Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dugnad - Departure Point

When I was in Bergen, Norway in September 2009 I met Annette, a fellow Couchsurfer and her friend Camilla. Whilst we were having a conversation over dinner in Annette's tiny little flat she mentioned a word in Norwegian. I asked her what it meant - she said that as far as she knew there wasn't a word in english that meant the same thing as "dugnad"

Wikipedia defines it as thus:

Dugnad is a Norwegian word for voluntary work done together with other people. In a tradition similar to that of barn raising, community members meet to help an individual, or club members meet to build a clubhouse, arrange a flea market and so on. Participation in a dugnad most often involves a common meal, served by the host.

I was fascinated as the proverbial lightbulb went off in my head and commented to Annette and Camilla, " That would be a fantastic name for an arts collective "

And so, here I am. " I " being emphasized because I am only one for the moment. I would like to use this blog as a platform to explore some questions that I hope to pursue in my post-graduate work surrounding sustainable design and cross-discipline research/development.

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